Let’s help you create passive income streams

We provide the tools and skills you require to grow a consistent passive income stream by trading in the financial market. We also give you access to courses and materials required to help you land a 6-figure paying job in the IT sector.

Want to create and grow a passive income stream?

Financial Fulfillment is not meant to be a lifetime pursuit. Let’s show you how to generate a reliable monthly income using the secrets millionaires have used over time to trade the 5.2 trillion dollar market.

Acquire the skills required to land a 6-figure role

You don’t need a tech degree to have a career in tech. Let’s help you acquire the knowledge, skills, and certifications you need to land yourself a high-paying job in less than six months.

Connect   •   Get Mentored   •   Be Empowered

Our platform, courses, and materials are specially made for today’s generation of traders and professionals. Our purpose is to help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible, using the tools you already have.

Scrum Master Certification Voucher

Online Trading Academy

At Squeeze Bounce Consulting, we have a moduled-based mentorship and training program which allows you to gain confidence and knowledge edge in trading the financial market independently.

Get a Career in Clinical Research

Did you know that Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) are always in high demand? We can prepare you for your career in Clinical Research by helping you understand the fundamentals, including…


CV Preparation


Get Job leads


Job interview prep


Unlimited job support

Are you considering a career in tech?

Our world is changing significantly as a result of the digital transformation. By having the necessary skills for today’s work environment, you can increase your chances and be well-positioned for better paying jobs.

Get a Job Support

A lot of people struggle through their first few weeks of a new job, second-guessing every single move. We provide job support to guide and help you deliver excellence on every task, so you can face your boss with confidence and gain the trust of your team.

You Need a Profitable Trading System

We hate to see you struggle in trading due to poor skill in market analysis. That’s why we put together a profitable trading system by which you are guaranteed a proper growing profit for your capital.

What our clients say about us

I never imagined I could take trades on my own because I never understood a thing when I tried other methods. Now, trading has been demystified thanks to Squeeze Bounce. 

Aurelie Martin

I am very happy with Squeeze Bounce academy after a year of using their services. The trading strategy is both user-friendly and constantly updated to keep up with market volatility. Most of all I love the customer engagement and collaboration that lets you know you are not alone in your trading journey. 

Emmanuel Doh

At Squeeze Bounce, you can be sure to get professional guidance and unusual, yet productive follow-ups. Squeeze Bounce provides a platform for friendly yet stern mentorship.

Yinka Orimogunje